
This is SLC: Our College News

Visual and Creative Arts - Fine Arts Students Complete Works for the Royal Canadian Navy
The 2019-2020 academic year marked the second year Visual and Creative Arts - Fine Arts students had the honour of working with the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) to complete works for the government collection.
Business Marketing Students Awarded New Shopify Remote Working Badge
On December 16, 2020, the newly minted Shopify Remote Working Badge was awarded to 13 Business Marketing students who demonstrate the workplace mindset expected of Shopify employees.
Pilot Project Between SLC Departments Examines Use of Data Analytics
SLC’s School of Contemporary Teaching and Learning and the department of Innovation and Business Engagement have started a pilot project using Salesforce to track a four-week period during the fall 2020 semester start-up.
SMA3 finalized – focusing on institutional strength and community impact
Read the newest Strategic Mandate Agreement (SMA3) and watch a short video that explains how our strategic plan SLC in Five connects to the SMA3 and other plans guiding the work being done at the College.
BBA Grads Become Chartered Professional Accountants
After writing the Common Final Examination (CFE), five SLC Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) grads were successful this year and will be admitted to the Chartered Professional Accountant's membership.