
Tax Forms

T2202 Tuition and Enrolment Certificate

Canada Revenue Agency T2202 Tuition and Enrolment Certificate will be available February 28 via the student portal to all St. Lawrence College students. They will not be sent by mail. If you are unable to login to, contact the IT Services Desk at extension 1000 or by email to

Tax Information (T4A)

The T4A tax form from SLC reports the amount of funds a student has received in scholarships, bursaries, and awards (internal and external) in any calendar year. This form will be mailed to the address on your account.

Frequently Asked Questions


T2202 is an official statement for income tax purposes of the tuition and fees paid for qualifying programs and courses that you are eligible to claim on your income tax return. The form is usually available around the end of February for the tuition and eligible fees paid in the preceding calendar year.


A T4A is an official document for tax purposes. It provides the amount of funds a student has received in scholarships, bursaries, awards, and prizes and/or income if you worked at SLC in a tax year.

SLC has an obligation to issue a T4A tax form for all award payments made through the College and will issue T4As for payments made on behalf of external agencies, as required.

Anyone who was a student at St. Lawrence College in 2023, and who paid eligible tuition and fees, can self-print a T2202 directly from on or after February 28. The T2202 will not be sent by mail.

Student T4A’s are printed and sent out by the college via regular mail by the end of February of each year. Please ensure your current mailing address is updated on your account.


If you were a student at St. Lawrence College in 2023, you can access, save and/or print your T2202 from on and after February 28. Click on the Fees icon to access the form. T2202 forms are prepared for students who have paid more than $100 in eligible fees for eligible courses beginning and ending in a particular calendar year. Certain administrative and ancillary fees are not eligible for tax deduction.


T4A forms are not available online or on your student portal. They are mailed to your address on file at the end of February for the previous year.

Please ensure your correct address is on file to ensure you receive your form.

  1. To update your address, please log into your portal.
  2. Scroll down to the icons below.
  3. Click on “My Hub”
  4. Under “Contact Information” you will see the addresses we have on file.
  5. Click on the one you wish to update.
  6. The next screen will show a red pencil. Click the pencil to change your address.
  7. Be sure to save by hitting OK afterwards. is the St. Lawrence College web portal and is your personalized access to web services. Once you login you can access the Fees icon where you will locate your T2202 under Account Inquiry.


Contact the IT Services Desk at extension 1000 or


Please ensure your current mailing address is updated on your account. If you no longer have access to your student account, please update your address by contacting:

Last name A-L:  Nicole Williamson

Last name M-Z:  Wendy Hart 

Access to is available from any computer in a St. Lawrence College library or computer lab that has a web browser. You can also request a copy from the Registration Services Officers by emailing and providing appropriate identification. There will be a $20 charge for this service. Anyone who was an eligible student in 2022 can self-print their T2202 from 

If you need your T4A form reprinted, send your request along with your student ID number, and current mailing address to:   

Brockville student:

Cornwall student:

Kingston student:

The reprint will be mailed out to the address provided.

SLC is required to report this information to all students to enable them to complete their Canadian income tax returns.

While living in Canada, you are required to file a Canadian income tax return. Like an employer issue a T4 for salaries or wages you have earned while in Canada, similarly the College issues a T4A for scholarships, bursaries, or other monetary awards you received during the calendar year.

Students are not required to submit a printed copy of the T2202 form with their tax return, even if the T2202 credits are transferred to a parent. A printed copy is only required when requested by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as part of a formal audit.

The total amount of fees paid may not necessarily correspond to your T2202 because not all tuition and related fees are tax deductible. 

The T2202 is based on the tax year (January to December) and not the school’s academic year (September to August).

St. Lawrence College is required to make the T2202 available to the student directly. Students must use the T2202 on their own return until the Federal Tax payable is reduced to zero. At this point, the student may transfer the balance of the credit to their parent using the information on the T2202 related to the transferring of unused credit as per the Income Tax Act. The student is required to sign the T2202 authorizing the transfer. Please see Canada Revenue Agency documentation for further clarification.

In addition to claiming eligible tuition and related fees, full time students who are enrolled in ten or more course hours per week, for three consecutive weeks in a month, are eligible to claim an Education Deduction amount for each month of full time study. Part time students must be enrolled in a program that lasted at least 3 consecutive weeks and required at least 12 hours of instruction each month to qualify for the education amount. Please see Canada Revenue Agency documentation for further clarification.

You can use your T2202 form even if the address is not correct. Remember that it is not necessary for students to submit the T2202 form with the tax return, but they must produce it if requested by Revenue Canada. We strongly suggest that you keep your address updated by contacting the Registration Services Officers by emailing

If you feel that the information on your T2202 form is incorrect, please review all of these FAQ’s to ensure that you understand the period they are issued for and the amounts that are included and excluded. If after reviewing this information you feel that your form is incorrect, please contact the Registration Services Officers by emailing to discuss your form.

As per the Income Tax Act, students may not combine receipts from institutions to meet the minimum eligible fee.

Yes, you can print your T2202 as many times as you like. Keep in mind that the T2202 is not submitted with a student’s tax return but is required when transferring amounts to someone else as permitted by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) or if you are being audited.

No, not even your parents can obtain confidential information without your written consent. St. Lawrence College gathers and maintains information used for purposes of admission, registration and other fundamental activities related to being a member of the college community and to attending a public post-secondary institution in Ontario. The policy regarding the release of information about students is intended to protect the individual student's right to privacy and the confidentiality of his or her record. Personal Information Protection Guidelines and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) govern access to confidential information at St. Lawrence College.

Based on the Canada Revenue Agency guidelines (See FAQ #15), not every student will be eligible to receive a T2202. However, if you are eligible to receive a T2202, they will not be made available via until the end of February.  Eligible recipients should be able to access their T2202 on and after February 28.

Unfortunately, we cannot. In-depth questions regarding the use of the T2202 & T4A forms in the tax preparation process should be directed to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Tax guides are available from any CRA office or Canada Post Office.

CRA also publishes a booklet called Students & Income Tax” – Government form P105(E). This publication is available in HTML or PDF formats. For people with visual impairments, it is also available in e-text, braille, or large print formats.

Domestic Students, please visit:

International Students in Canada please visit:

SLC staff are not able to answer tax-related questions. If you have other questions about tuition and enrollment credit, please contact the Canada Revenue Agency directly.