
This is SLC: Our College News

SLC and CCDI Employer Partnership
SLC recently became an Employer Partner with the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI). Through this partnership, our employees have access to a multitude of EDI resources.
User Experience Design Students Create New Job Search Portal for City of Kingston
As part of a client project, students in the User Experience Design program (UX) created a new way for job seekers to find employment opportunities in the City of Kingston.
Welcome Colin Mochrie and Debra McGrath to LCC2021
The College will be infusing some humor in our celebration this year as we will be welcoming comedy-duo Colin Mochrie and Debra McGrath as keynote speakers for LCC2021!
United Way 2020 campaign most successful ever for SLC
United Way co-chairs Chris Garnett, VP Human Resources and Organizational Development, and Shelley Aylesworth-Spink, VP International Education, are thrilled to report that the 2020 campaign was the most successful SLC has ever held.
Nominate a graduate for the Premier’s Awards 2021
Do you know a grad who is experiencing outstanding career success and/or community involvement? We are calling on the campus communities to submit names for Premier’s Awards nomination consideration. These awards are a great opportunity to profile and promote SLC’s successful graduates.