
Frequently Asked Questions

Internet Banking: Paying your fees online through your bank is a fast and easy way to make payments to SLC. You can pay your fees online if you bank with one of the following institutions:

To pay online, set up St. Lawrence College as a payee in order to pay your tuition. Payee names for the most frequently used banks are shown in the table below. Your payee account number is your seven-digit SLC ID number preceded by the letter "S", i.e, S1234567. Please pay careful attention to the deadline and make your payment in time.

table of banks and SLC's respective account name

Telephone Banking: You can set up a money transfer through telephone banking with your personal Canadian bank to pay your tuition. If choosing this option your St. Lawrence College payee account number is your seven-digit SLC ID number preceded by the letter "S", i.e, S1234567.  Please pay careful attention to the deadline and make your payment in time.

At a Financial Institution: You can set up St. Lawrence College as a payee through your personal Canadian bank to pay your tuition. If choosing this option your St. Lawrence College payee account number is your seven-digit SLC ID number preceded by the letter "S", i.e, S1234567.  Please pay careful attention to the deadline and make your payment in time.

Deposit amount for Fall 2023:

  • Domestic students (new and returning) - $500.00
  • New International students - $2350.00
  • Returning International students - $2350.00

Residence Payments: Please note, for details on residence payment requirements, please refer to your residence contract.

Payment Transactions Posted to Student Accounts:

*Please note, online payment transactions could take up to 3-5 business days to be posted to your student account. Please ensure you give appropriate time for the payment transaction to be processed by your financial institution.

A $500.00 non-refundable tuition deposit is required for all new and returning domestic students entering a full-time program. (The non-refundable tuition deposit for International students is $2350.00). The deposit will be used towards the balance due for that semester and will secure the student’s seat in the program. The deposit is charged only once per year and is directly applied towards tuition, reducing the remaining tuition balance owed by the deadline as outlined below.

Please pay careful attention to the deposit deadline. St. Lawrence College has several fee payment options (above) for you to choose from. To retain your offer of a space in a program, you must pay your deposit by the due date. You do not have a space in a program until you have met your payment obligations.

The $500.00 deposit ($2350.00 for International students) is payable once per academic year in a student’s initial semester for a program and secures a seat in the program for that academic year. This deposit is non-refundable and applied towards a student’s total fees owing for their initial term. Current students who apply to a new program will be required to pay the deposit for the new program.

Students are responsible for paying their $500 non-refundable tuition deposit even if they have applied for OSAP. The tuition deposit is required to be eligible to enroll in classes. Students must first enroll in classes in order to receive their OSAP funding.

Once you pay your Non-refundable Tuition deposit you will be able to see your balance owing in the student portal: Detailed Fee Schedules are available on our website. Please pay careful attention to the fee deadline. St. Lawrence College has several fee payment options (below) for you to choose from. To retain your offer of a seat, you must pay your $500.00 Tuition Fee Deposit ($2350.00 for International students) or make fee payment arrangements by the applicable due date. You will not have a seat in a program until you have met your payment obligations.

Your login information will be sent to the email that you used when you applied to St. Lawrence College. Please check that email address for the username and initial password.

Your offer of admission may be cancelled! All new applicants and returning students (particularly in highly competitive programs) risk losing their seat if payment is not received by the applicable non-refundable tuition deposit deadline.

Late fee

It is your responsibility to ensure your payment is received at St. Lawrence College by the due date(s). A late fee of $150.00 will be applied to accounts when the non-refundable tuition deposit or balance of payment is not paid by the required deadline. The late fee will only be charged once per semester. OSAP students who have completed their applications by the due date will not be assessed the late fee provided their entitlement indicates adequate funding to cover their tuition and fees.

St. Lawrence College understands that there will be a few exceptional cases where students will not be able to meet the standard payment requirements. If you are not eligible for OSAP or government funding and are having financial difficulty, you may discuss your eligibility for a payment plan arrangement with our Student Accounts Receivable Clerk. You must complete the Student Tuition Payment Plan form and hand in any supporting documents along with the form five days before the tuition due date. Your application will be reviewed within three business days and you will be contacted with the decision. If you are approved you will be required to sign a Tuition Payment Agreement which outlines the details of your payment schedule and obligations.

Sponsored students, including those sponsored by Second Career, Workplace Safety Insurance Board, Community and Social Services, Youth in Care, or a Native Council, must meet the above deadlines by providing proof of sponsorship by the required deposit due date. Documentation can be submitted to

An authorization letter on official letterhead is required in order for St. Lawrence College to bill your sponsor directly. The letter must include the amount being sponsored, the program of study, the name(s) and student number(s) of the student(s) being sponsored as well as an explanation of any items not covered by the sponsor. If the sponsor is not covering all tuition and compulsory ancillary fees it is the responsibility of the student(s) to pay any outstanding charges. This letter must be presented to

A verification of enrollment is available in the student portal This form can be printed and submitted to your RESP provider. An RESP form cannot be submitted in lieu of payment. Students with RESP forms are still responsible to pay their non-refundable tuition deposit by the due date. RESP scholarships are issued directly to the student.

Refunds less $500.00 ($2350.00 for International students) are provided to students who withdraw within the first 10 business days of the beginning of a semester. You must officially withdraw with the College or decline your offer at Failure to attend classes does not constitute an official withdrawal. A refund in full is applicable for any tuition and ancillary fees paid for subsequent semesters.

After 10 business days students are entitled to a refund in full of any fees paid in advance for subsequent semesters only.

Textbooks, supplies, materials, and uniforms vary in cost depending on the program of study. Most of those items are available through the College bookstore on your campus. Other details including the cost of supplies and kits are available from your Academic School or the Coordinator of your program. Usually this information will be supplied to you ahead of time by way of correspondence or at the beginning of the term along with your Course Outlines. Residence costs will range from $600-$1,000 per month depending on occupancy and campus. 

Kingston Campus students receive a Kingston Transit bus pass included in the full-time fees. This allows for unlimited use of the transit system while you remain a full-time student. Brockville and Cornwall students will need to budget in transportation costs along with their expenses. Off-campus housing will vary depending on availability. Your Student Government Office on each campus can assist with this. Be sure to budget for other monthly expenses which may include food, transportation, parking, entertainment and spending money.

If a student is enrolled in a course that puts them above their approved full-time load found in their Program of Study, they will need to pay an overload fee that is equivalent to the Part-time tuition rate.

Thanks to the generosity of alumni and friends including many corporations and foundations in the community, St. Lawrence College has an extensive Scholarships and Bursaries program to help you pay for college. A bursary or scholarship can make a BIG difference in helping you pay for college – they range between $500 and $3,000. You need to fill out the application ONCE to be considered for all bursaries for which you qualify. 

The Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) is a financial aid program that can help you pay for college or university. The entire process including the application and assessment can take up to 10 weeks so we strongly encourage you to apply early so your OSAP funding is available to you at the beginning of your school year. More details on applying for OSAP as well as all OSAP related questions and information can be found at

Your 1st tuition installment will be deducted from your 1st OSAP funding installment. The 2nd and, if applicable, 3rd tuition installment amounts will be similarly deducted from your subsequent OSAP funding installments. It's important to check your SLC account on within the first 10 days of classes each semester to ensure your tuition is paid in full. If your OSAP funding does not cover your tuition installment for each semester, or if we're unable to deduct your tuition from your funding, it remains your responsibility to pay any outstanding fees by the due dates to avoid late fees.

Full-time students can opt out of the Sickness and Accident Insurance coverage during specific periods depending on their semester intake. To view the opt-out dates by semester intake and learn more about the process, click here.

The fees for the SHAC Fitness Centre and Kingston Transit bus pass are compulsory ancillary fees and do not have an opt-out option. In order to facilitate these services for students at a reduced rate they are included among the full-time compulsory ancillary fees are agreed upon by the Student Governments, Fee Protocol Committee, and the St. Lawrence College Board of Governors.

Based on new 2023-24 tuition rates:

  • For domestic students in regular post-secondary programs, the per credit cost is $104.25 (International students per credit cost is $361.68).
  • For domestic students in degree programs, the maximum per credit cost is $226.80 (International students maximum per credit cost is $637.87)

If you have a question, returning students can contact New students can contact a Recruitment Officer at