
Belonging, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion at St. Lawrence College

St. Lawrence College is committed to cultivating an institutional culture that values, supports, and promotes belonging, equity, human rights, respect, and accountability among faculty, staff, and students. The College has identified “Belonging” as its fifth core value and mandate as an educational institution.

Do you have feedback, questions, or an experience to share? We want to hear from you. Email Carmen Law, Director, Belonging, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion at

EDI Task Force Recommendations Report
Read the report with framework and recommendations for equity, diversity, and inclusion at SLC.
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Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Resources
Find resources to expand your understanding of a variety of EDI topics.
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SLC and CCDI Employer Partnership Guide
Access to a multitude of resources and training through SLC's Employer Partnership with CCDI.
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Pride at SLC
Information for members of our LGBTQQ2S+ community and allies.
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Anti-Racism at SLC
Learn about SLC's commitment to anti-racism and find more resources.
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SLC Racism Reporting Tool
Find out why and how to report incidents related to racism within SLC's community.
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Religious Observance and Spiritual Care

Some of these religious observances may require that the practicing student, staff, or faculty member fast, abstain from work or study, or participate in all-day or fixed time activities, such as congregational prayer. As with any type of belief, there are followers who are more strict and active in their involvement than others. If you require information and advice about the accommodation of religious observances, please contact Student Wellness and Accessibility and/or consult the Ontario Human Rights Commission website.

As part of the value of Belonging, SLC supports an inclusive teaching and learning environment that respects and values the diversity of our students. In fall 2021, Policy AC836: Academic Accommodations for Religious, Indigenous and Spiritual Observances Policy was introduced. Under the Ontario Human Rights Code (OHRC), SLC faculty and employees are required to accommodate students’ rights to practice their individual faith observances. As the diversity of our student population grows, it becomes critical that we understand students’ rights and work to set up our programs to accommodate individual spiritual practices.

This student-focused policy provides consistent structure and practice for accommodations resulting from a conflict between academic obligations and religious, Indigenous, and spiritual observances, ensuring (as per OHRC), every individual has the right to be "treated equally based on creed, and to freely hold and practice creed beliefs of their choosing". Like accommodations under other OHRC grounds, such as disability, we have a duty to accommodate to the point of undue hardship.

The Student Wellness and Accessibility team includes a Spiritual Care Facilitator, who focuses on spirituality as a key foundational component of overall health and well-being. Through direct support and/or linkages to community faith groups, the College’s Spiritual Care Facilitator builds an ongoing safe and healthy community for all students on all campuses, regardless of denomination, faith tradition, or spiritual conviction. 



Caryn Langstaff, M.Sc., SLP (she/her)
Director of Health, Wellness & Accessibility

Kathy Doering, M.Ed. (Counselling) (she/her)
Spiritual Care Facilitator (tri-campus)

The Kingston Multi-Faith Prayer/Reflection Spaces are located in rooms 22233 and 22232.

SLC's Spiritual Care Facilitator, Kathy Doering, offers one-on-one and group support to students, particularly those who are looking to address life’s challenges through a spiritual and/or faith-based lens. Connect with the Spiritual Care Facilitator at

Belonging + EDI Updates and Resources

National Indigenous Veterans Day and Treaties Recognition Week 2022
Mary Ann Lyons, Indigenous Student Advisor, shares information about Treaties Recognition Week (November 6-12), which honours the importance of treaties and helps us understand the meaning and relevance of treaty rights and relationships, and the reasons why treaties matter to all Ontarians, as well as National Indigenous Veterans Day (November 8), a day on which we can try to better understand the role Indigenous veterans have played in Canada and express our gratitude to them for their sacrifice and service.
SLC Values and our community
I am writing with an important reminder about SLC values and the role we all play in the communities where our campuses are located, when it comes to respect and belonging. There are troubling stories in the media lately of antisemitic sentiments being shared, and closer to home, of antisemitic vandalism occurring in and around downtown Kingston. I cannot stress strongly enough that this behaviour is abhorrent and should not be taken lightly or ignored. 
My Culture is Not A Costume: Cultural Appropriation vs Cultural Appreciation
With Halloween approaching, Carmen Law, Director, Belonging, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion, shares an important distinction between cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation, resources to learn more, and questions for self-reflection if you are unsure how to decide if something is cultural appropriation.