

Art with Impact: Movies for Mental Health - Sexual Violence Focus

Student Wellness and Accessibility
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
7:00 PM

Katie Sills
Student Rights and Responsibilities Office (SRRO) 

Event Overview

A workshop featuring award-winning short films, mindfulness activities, & panel discussion with students & mental health resources.

Movies for Mental Health — Sexual Violence Focus (M4MH-SV) is a film-based workshop that focuses on exploring the mental health impacts that sexual violence can have on individuals and communities.

Knowing that art speaks the language of our interior worlds, we harness film to engage with young people on the vital topics of mental health and sexual violence, building empathy for what survivors might experience, and gaining tools for being able to support any survivors in their lives.

The event also connects students with mental health and sexual violence-oriented resources available to them, empowering them to seek support as individuals and communities to heal from sexual violence.

More Information


Registration is required. Register here.

Note: There is an option to join anonymously.