The annual SLC United Way Campaign is in full swing. The Campaign committee has been hard at work organizing events and opportunities to get involved for the whole SLC community. The United Way supports hundreds of organizations in Kingston, Brockville, Cornwall and surrounding areas, and last year, over 90,000 individuals across our shared communities. Your support makes a difference in our communities!
On Monday, October 28 all SLC employees received an email from the United Way with information on how to set up or renew your e-pledge donation for 2025. You can also access your e-pledge donation form here by logging in using your email. Payroll deduction is the commonly selected donation method. Be sure to complete your 2025 e-pledge form before it closes on November 15. All donations made through the SLC United Way Campaign will be directed to the United Way serving the donor’s home campus community. Your donations are kept local and help create positive change in your community.
Join us tomorrow for session one of three in the United Way Guest Speaker Series. Earlier this week, you will have received an Outlook calendar invitation to each virtual speaker session. Check your calendar invitation to learn more about each event listed below.
October 31: 11:30 am-12:00 pm: Mental Health in Brockville with Clinical Manager’s Jordan Blanchard and Chris Curry from Lanark, Leeds, and Grenville Mental Health & Addictions.
November 5: 11:30 am-12:00 pm: Food Security in Cornwall with Lisa Duprau, Executive Director, Agape Centre
November 7: 11:30 am-12:00 pm: Homelessness in Kingston, guest speaker information coming soon
SLC United Way Campaign – Complete the E-pledge