Submitted By Jadon Hook, Sustainability Coordinator, FMS
Join the SLC Sustainability team in Plastic Free July! Throughout the month we will be sharing information and practices to help you cut down on plastic. Start by signing up for the Plastic Free Challenge and receive tips and tricks to stay motivated throughout the month while learning about the global movement.
Follow @footprintslc on social, where we will highlight information on plastic waste and plastic waste reduction all month. We will be covering topics like the impact of single-use plastics, the power of reuse, the UN (United Nations) SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and plastics, and how to avoid plastics while supporting our local communities.
Here are some suggestions to reduce your plastic use on campus:
1. Did you know that you can receive a discount on any hot beverage ordered from a campus cafeteria when you BYOM (Bring Your Own Mug)? Forgot your mug? No problem! Order your food and drinks on campus using our reuseable CANO containers. Download the free CANO app to get started and earn rewards.
2. BYO, BYO, BYO! Bring your own cutlery, straws, and water bottles.
3. Review our compost and recycling guide and make sure you are sorting your waste properly.
Check out these day-to-day guides for more ideas:
- Plastic Free Choices Calendar
- My Choices Checklist
Did you know that all SLC campuses are BlueW locations?
BlueW connects community members and tourists with water bottle refilling stations, while promoting municipal tap water.
Use our campus Green Maps to find water refilling stations:
Join the Plastic Free July Challenge!