SLC is proud to have contributed seven nominations for the 2024 CICan Awards of Excellence which promote excellence of Canadian colleges and institutes and showcase the extraordinary contributions of individuals. Winners will be announced in April at the 2024 CICan Connection Conference, and are recognized at three levels of Gold, Silver, and Bronze.
We would like to acknowledge and extend our sincere gratitude for the contributions of this year’s SLC nominees. Our nominees include:
• Derek Davies, Community and Justice Services, Professor and Program Coordinator is nominated for The Leadership Excellence Award for Faculty. Derek is recognized for his contributions to progressive and diverse learning modalities and experiences, and his unwavering dedication to student and alumni success.
• Marie-Line Jobin, Professor and Program Coordinator, Behavioural Psychology, and Laura Salsbury, Professor, Police Foundations, are nominated for The Leadership Excellence Award for Faculty. Marie-Line and Laura are recognized for their collaborative development and delivery of an interprofessional educational community project between the two programs partnering students with community agencies on projects for social change.
• Mary Gauthier, Wellness Advisor and Alternate Media Technician, is nominated for The Leadership Excellence Award for Non-Managerial Staff. Mary is recognized for her dedication and attention to detail, and how her work has helped our students, and specifically those from marginalized groups. We would also like to congratulate Mary on her new role as Manager, Planning and Special Projects – Student Success.
• Adam Smith, Sports Information Officer, Athletic Operations is nominated for The Leadership Excellence Award for Non-Managerial Staff. Adam is recognized for his inspirational work creating the SLC Surge brand and community, profiling student athletic accomplishments, and for his inclusive scope that extends beyond his department.
• Jesenia Alvarez, Bachelor of Behavioural Psychology student and SLC varsity athlete, is nominated for The Leadership Excellence Award for Students. Jesenia is recognized for her embodiment of our value of Belonging, contributions to EDI, and her leadership in every aspect of student life at SLC.
• Through the Sustainability Plan, SLC is nominated for The Excellence in Sustainable Development Award. Initiatives spearheaded by the Sustainability department in the past year tracked to the SLC five-year Sustainability Plan showcase our commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
• Research Design and Practice: A Webinar for College Researchers, Research Administrators, and REB Members, developed by Robyn Saaltink, PhD., SLC Research Officer, in partnership with Krista Holmes, PhD., Associate Vice President, Research and Innovation, Goerge Brown College, and Viswali Consulting is nominated for The Excellence in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Award. The webinar series had an incredible sector-wide impact on EDI materials and tools in research, impacting all areas of college learning and engagement.
Awards of Excellence Nominees