
Credit Transfer, Pathways and Articulations

Where do you want to go next?

St. Lawrence College has partnerships with educational institutions around the corner and the world, allowing you to continue your studies in Canada or abroad to gain valuable knowledge and global experience. 

We work with hundreds of institutions across Canada and around the world to develop educational pathways for our students and graduates because we know many are seeking more than one credential. These opportunities can enhance their education and give recognition for credits earned, often reducing degree completion time, which saves both time and money. 

Credit Transfer

The Ontario Post-secondary Transfer Guide (ONTransfer) is your resource for information on credit transfer within the province of Ontario. The site includes:

  • A guide with database information about transfer agreements and collaborative programs between Ontario’s Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology and the Ontario Universities
  • Lists transfer policies and practices of all institutions
  • Provides institutional contacts for further information

Can be accessed through

For individuals who are requesting credit transfer from another educational institution towards a St. Lawrence College program, please contact: